Friday, June 3, 2011

Class Reward

Room 6 chose to bake for reaching their target of 10 class rewards. We made yummy cupcakes and decorated them, we even made one for our buddy!


  1. Hmmm yum, cupcakes! In some schools that I've worked in classes bring treats around for the teachers too... just a hint! wink! wink! I hope they were delicious!

  2. mmm. Yummy yummy
    from eden.l room 7

  3. yummy cooky's.
    I woud like the cooky's if I tasted them.
    you are chef's room six.
    from lukas.

  4. We like the idea of making the cupcakes and also Renwick 2 think you deserve the cupcakes you made. We might like to have a reward system too.
    Renwick 2
